We have an exciting announcement to make - we are officially launching the Crimson Community for CGA on the 6th of May!

The Crimson Community is hosted on the Crimson App and it will serve as an internal social network for students, where you can join interest groups, extracurriculars, speaker events and even set-up your own clubs!

Here is what students can do on Crimson Community:

  • Expand their global network by connecting with like-minded students across all of Crimson Education!
  • Join a bunch of Crimson Education and CGA interest groups led by students or experts in the field
  • Attend online events and webinars hosted by prominent speakers on a range of topics : business, university admissions, medicine, investment, moving abroad, career tips and many many more!
  • Participate in unique Community-based events like Crimson Shark Tank, online debate / MUN competitions
  • Join the CGA Extracurriculars: Model UN, Investment Club, 3D Game Development Club and the Web Development Club. The Community creates a new space for the club announcements and discussions to take place.
  • Join the official CGA Student Newspaper
  • Propose new club ideas and see them being implemented, with you as president

CGA Students can login on Community using their CGA student email and usual Canvas password.

Background photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash