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Upcoming School Events

All your questions about online schooling - curriculum, subject choices, applications and mental wellbeing - are covered by our free events.


More events and webinars coming soon!

Don't worry if you missed any of our recent events, you can watch our Open Day Event and discover why Australian students are transitioning to world-class online education at Crimson Global Academy.

Missed an event? Check out our on-demand webinars.

Don't worry if you missed any of our recent events, you can watch the recordings of our Open Day Event and recent webinars to discover why Australian students are transitioning to world-class online education at Crimson Global Academy.

Want to join an upcoming trial classes?

We're running weekly trial classes suitable for age 12-16 year olds! Register your interest and secure your spot today.

Meet our Students

Hear the stories of Crimson Global Academy students who are loving their educational journey so far.
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  • Max
  • Jade