Arriane's Global Education Success with CGA

21/11/20234 minute read
Arriane's Global Education Success with CGA

Meet Arriane, 16-year-old full-time student at Crimson Global Academy (CGA), living in the dynamic Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Arriane's educational journey is a testament to the modern advantage of online schooling, tailored to her family's adventurous lifestyle.

At CGA, Arriane isn’t just adapting to a new way of learning; she's flourishing in an environment that blends academic rigor with the freedom of a globally mobile life. Her story underscores how online education can seamlessly integrate into and enhance the lives of students in our ever-evolving world.

Embracing a Worldly Classroom

"From birth, my family has always been the type to move around," Arriane shares, emphasizing how CGA's adaptable schooling system has been instrumental in her education. She adds, "Having a school system that allows me to access my education from anywhere anytime caters to my personal lifestyle." This lifestyle has turned the world into Arriane's classroom, showcasing the boundless nature of our schools educational model.

Beyond the Books

Arriane's experience at CGA transcends the traditional boundaries of education. "CGA offers several curriculums with a lot of subjects," she explains, highlighting the diverse academic offerings available to students at CGA.

It's not just the subjects that captivate her; it's the way our community ignites her passions and encourages collaboration. "CGA teachers are really passionate...they encourage students to work with one another," Arriane remarks, underscoring the collaborative spirit of her learning journey.

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A Tech-Enabled Learning Experience

Arriane describes how CGA leverages technology to enhance learning and connectivity. "You're able to maintain focus as teachers keep you accountable," she says, noting the role of platforms like Zoom, Google Workspaces, and Slack in her daily academic life. This integration of technology ensures that she remains engaged and connected, not just with her curriculum but also with her peers around the world.

Blending Academics with Real-World Engagement

Highlighting her participation in one of Crimson Education's key projects VNUK, a project aimed at finding innovative solutions that aide sustainable tourism, Arriane reflects, "I've been able to connect genuinely with students since the camp and start our own passion projects." Her involvement in this program demonstrates CGA's capacity to foster real-world application of academic learning, encouraging students to apply their knowledge to address global issues.

Arriane's Reflection

Summarizing her experience, Arriane states, "Studying at CGA has been one of the best decisions I've made." She credits CGA with challenging her to take accountability for her future aspirations, both academically and personally. "It's challenged me as an individual in and outside of school," she adds, highlighting how our school has played a crucial role in her overall development.

You can watch the full video of Arriane's enriching journey at CGA below, or speak to an Academic Advisor to learn how studying at CGA it could be a transformative experience for your child.