How To Choose the Right Course For You

23/11/20236 minute read
How To Choose the Right Course For You

At Crimson Global Academy, we understand that choosing the right course is a pivotal step in any student's academic journey. The process can be overwhelming, with a vast array of subjects and the pressure of future career prospects weighing heavily on students' minds.

Recognising this, we have developed a comprehensive guide to aid in this critical decision-making process. Our aim is to simplify the selection, helping students navigate through their options with confidence and clarity.

Subject Choices Based on Ability and Interest

The first step in choosing the right course involves a deep dive into understanding one's own abilities and interests. It's not just about picking subjects that seem popular or are traditionally considered prestigious. Instead, it's about aligning your academic pursuits with what genuinely excites and motivates you. When students select subjects that resonate with their passions and strengths, they not only enjoy their educational experience more but also tend to perform better. This alignment can lead to a more fulfilling and successful academic and professional career.

Furthermore, it's important for students to consider the learning and assessment styles of each subject. Does the course primarily involve theoretical learning, or is it more hands-on? Are the assessments essay-based, project-driven, or exam-focused? Understanding these facets can help students choose courses that match their learning preferences, ensuring a more engaging and effective educational experience

When making subject choices, students should remember to:

  • Choose subjects they genuinely enjoy, have a strong interest in, or are good at.
  • Consider subjects that align with their future career aspirations and contribute to a well-rounded academic portfolio.
  • Encourage them to make decisions that reflect their own goals.
  • Choose subjects that they believe they will succeed in.

It’s important to NOT choose subjects because:

  • Their friends have chosen it
  • They think it will be easy
  • They have been told it involves less work
  • Relatives or friends told them to do it without a good reason
  • They just like their current teacher
  • They want to do something new for the sake of it
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Review the subject details

Students should familiarize themselves with the Subject Details available in their school Curriculum Guide. These details provide comprehensive information about each course, including descriptions, assessment methods, and recommended background knowledge.

By reviewing this information students can gain insights into the content and requirements of each subject and assess their suitability for it. If you’re looking for some guidance on the AP curriculum, visit this helpful website from the Collegeboard linking AP subjects to university majors.

Know the scoring system

In some countries like Australia, the subjects you choose plays a big role in your final scores as choosing harder subjects are “scaled up” or subjects perceived as being easy are “scaled down”. This is not the case with the International A Levels with all subjects considered equally so choose subjects that best suit your areas of interest.

The role of Math and English

Most students will study Math and English all the way through high school but if you’re struggling in either one or both, you might be wondering whether it’s possible to drop these academic cornerstone subjects.

The International A Levels does give you that flexibility but be careful! The vast majority of university courses require English to be studied all the way through and many subjects require completion of at least IGCSE Math. Dropping either subject can limit your university options significantly so it's important to make sure you speak with your subject teachers or careers counsellor for advice before deciding and do your research into university requirements.

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Sticking to your strengths?

If you’re good at English, does it make sense to study English Language and English Literature?  Should you be studying Business and Economics or is one of them enough? If you’re wanting to study medicine, should you still study a subject like history or physics because you love the subject or should you focus on Chemistry, Biology and Math? All of these are tough questions without a simple answer so book a time with an Academic Advisor to discuss further.

Seek help from the academic experts

Recognise that selecting the right courses can be challenging, and students don’t have to navigate this process alone. At CGA, we have a dedicated team of professionals who can provide valuable support and guidance. We have some of the best academic staff with the knowledge and experience to advise on the suitability of subjects choices specific to each students tertiary studies or goals.

In summary, top tips for choosing the right subjects

  • Research the career possibilities that interest you.
  • Check the entry requirements for the various universities and their specific courses  that interest you.
  • Ask for help if you need it from your schools University Guidance Counsellor
  • Read the Subject Details in the Curriculum Guide. They include course descriptions, assessment details and recommended background.
  • Choose subjects in which you have the necessary background to be successful (staff will guide you if you are unsure).