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Crimson Code

What is Crimson Code?

Crimson Code offers short, live, project-based coding courses. Our courses instill a passion for technology, preparing students for university and employment in the tech industry.

The coding pathways each contain four courses related to a single theme - You ca either take all the courses or take just one of them.

Main features include:

  • Create a Coding Portfolio
  • Code Real Projects
  • Stackable courses
  • Live classes with expert instructors

Each course is 12 weeks and serves as a prerequisite for the following course.


If you're new to Computer Science, start with our Coding 101 course - this is a 6-week introduction course that serves as a foundation for our other Coding Pathways.


There are three intake dates when students can join classes.

Basis of what you will learn in the Data Science Pathway

The world of machine learning, AI, and Big Data broken up over four courses.



A class of diverse, international students and a community of like-minded peers.


A 24/7 global timetable to suit multiple timezones worldwide.


Top-tier teachers selected for engagement, inspiration and results.

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