Teacher Tip Series: History with Andrew Rugg

19/12/20233 minute read
Teacher Tip Series: History with Andrew Rugg

"This blog series offers a window into the experiences and insights of Crimson Global Academy's esteemed educators, providing valuable advice for students across different levels, debunking common subject misconceptions, and suggesting effective study strategies."

Meet CGA's History Teacher and Academic Dean, Andrew Rugg. His journey into the world of teaching is a tale of passion ignited in childhood, with medieval history and knights capturing his imagination. Andrews commitment to history is evident not only in his career and work at CGA but in his personal life too, often spending time in museums and sharing historical wonders with his family.

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Q & A with Mr Rugg

Q: What inspired you to become a teacher in this subject area?

I’ve always loved History. From the moment I read about Knights and Medieval History as a child, I was hooked. I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time in museums and continue to drag my family there whenever I can.

Q: As an expert in History what key advice would you give to students to excel in this subject?

My advice to senior students is to develop an argument that allows you to best display your knowledge. Markers are not looking for a certain point of view; only that you have one and can support one. For junior students, my advice is to be curious and ask questions - History is full of fascinating stories made all the more interesting because they are (mostly) real!

Q: What are some common misconceptions or challenges that students face in History and how can they overcome them?

Some common misconceptions are that students have to know a tonne of dates. This is not really true. Some dates are important, but other forms of evidence are equally important.

Q: What study strategies do you recommend for students to retain and apply knowledge effectively?

I’m a big believer in writing succinct study notes by hand. Then, find a willing sibling or parent to verbally test the content of those notes. Once the key evidence (dates, laws, names of people and places) has been memorized, it’s time for past papers - as many as possible under timed conditions.

Q: Are there any specific resources or tools that you find particularly helpful for students studying ?

The Pearson website has many past papers as well as marking criteria, exemplars and examiner notes.

Q: How can students develop a passion for History and stay motivated throughout their academic journey?

It’s important to link History to the modern world. Students should look at the world and ask how it came to be the way it is.

Q: How can parents support their children's learning in History outside of the classroom?

Discussions about famous historical figures, key turning points and ‘what ifs’ form great dinner time conversations. Parents should take every opportunity to discuss History with their child.