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Building Your Extracurriculars to Top Tech Universities like MIT & Stanford!

Being a member of a programming or computer science club is no longer enough! Join our webinar to find out what types of extracurricular activities are necessary to get your foot in the door to top computer science and engineering universities!

Date, Time & Location

Thursday, May 26th @ 19:00 - 20:30 // Online (Zoom) - English with Japanese translations

Your Extracurricular Profile Can Make or Break Your Acceptance 

What extracurricular activities did students who got into top universities like Stanford, Princeton and Yale do in high school?

  • Creating websites from scratch to help market small businesses
  • Utilizing Javascript to create a centralized mobile/web app to support higher quality learning in the classroom
  • Creating online platforms for minority student voices to be heard  

If you’re aiming for a top tech university, your extracurricular profile should include impactful computer science, engineering or technology related projects. 

Join our upcoming webinar, and learn how you can develop basic programming and necessary tech skills to create a winning profile for a top comp sci/engineering university!


Register From The Form Below!

May 26th @ 19:00-20:30 JST // Online (Zoom)

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